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Buy Banksy - 'Captured' Friends and Family-editie. Oplage 500 ex.? Bid from 350!
Art Books

Banksy - 'Captured' Friends and Family-editie. Oplage 500 ex.

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Buy Klaas Gubbels - grote ingelijste gemengde techniek: Schaakbord met kan - 2012? Bid from 2750!

Klaas Gubbels - large framed mixed media: Chessboard with jug - 2012

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Buy Eugène Brands - ingelijste grote gouache - 1963 (nieuwe lijst!)? Bid from 2495!
Drawing / Aquarelle

Eugène Brands - framed large gouache - 1963 (new frame!)

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Buy Eugène Brands - Gouache: "Vogelvrij" - 1989? Bid from 1999!

Eugène Brands - Gouache: "Free as a Bird" - 1989

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Buy Eugène Brands - Ingelijste gouache - 1963(nieuwe lijst!!)? Bid from 1000!
Drawing / Aquarelle

Eugène Brands - Framed gouache - 1963 (new frame!!)

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Buy Yoshiko Noma - Litho: Fleures I? Bid from 79!
Prints (signed)

Yoshiko Noma - Litho: Flowers I

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Buy Fred Carasso - Terracotta beeld: vrouw met koren - 1940? Bid from 995!
Sculpture / Object

Fred Carasso - Terracotta statue: woman with corn - 1940

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Buy Pierre Alechinsky - & Christian Dotremont - La liberté c'est d'être inégal? Bid from 1450!
Prints (signed)

Pierre Alechinsky - & Christian Dotremont - Freedom is being unequal

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Buy Exbor Sklo - Art deco kaasstolp, Carl Stölzle, Tsjechië? Bid from 30!
Glass / Ceramics

Exbor Sklo - Art Deco cheese dome, Carl Stölzle, Czech Republic

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Buy Paul Klee - Posterboek met 6 losse gekartoniseerde afbeeldingen met beschrijvingen? Bid from 30!
Prints & Editions

Paul Klee - Poster book with 6 separate cardboard images with descriptions

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Buy Pierre Alechinsky - expressionistische litho - 1984 - oplage 150 ex.? Bid from 550!
Prints (signed)

Pierre Alechinsky - expressionist lithograph - 1984 - edition 150 copies.

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Buy Bram Bogart - Compositie? Bid from 950!
Prints (signed)

Bram Bogart - Composition

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Buy Jan te Wierik - De Magiër? Bid from 2500!

Jan te Wierik - The Magician

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Buy Pierre Alechinsky - Vrouwenprofiel? Bid from 750!
Prints before 1900

Pierre Alechinsky - Woman profile

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Buy Corneille - Litho: 16 Rue Ravée - Paris - 1969? Bid from 395!
Prints (signed)

Corneille - Litho: 16 Rue Ravée - Paris - 1969

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Buy Corneille - ingelijste litho: Vol d'oiseaux à cinq heures de l'après - 1960 (nette lijst!)? Bid from 399!
Prints (signed)

Corneille - ingelijste lithograph: Birds in flight at five o'clock in the afternoon - 1960 (net lijst!)

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Buy Karel Appel - Kleurenlitho: Abstracte compositie - 1960? Bid from 1250!
Prints (signed)

Karel Appel - Color lithograph: Abstract composition - 1960

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Buy Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Flanerende dame in de avond - Litho? Bid from 40!
Prints & Editions

Theophile Alexandre Steinlen - Strolling lady in the evening - Litho

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Buy Bram Bogart - Uniek Keramisch Werk? Bid from 1995!
Sculpture / Object

Bram Bogart - Unique Ceramic Work

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Buy Kumi Sugai - Zeefdruk- Bal - 1970 - Prent 190? Bid from 75!
Prints (signed)

Kumi Sugai - Silkscreen - Ball - 1970 - Print 190

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Buy Gordon House - Prent 190 Geometrisch abstracte compositie 1971? Bid from 75!
Prints (signed)

Gordon House - Print 190 Geometric abstract composition 1971

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Buy Annie Leibovitz - Karlie Kloss - VOGUE (US) - 2007? Bid from 120!

Annie Leibovitz - Karli Kloss

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Buy Hilo Chen - "Beach 37" Auflage 250 - handsigniert-nummeriert-XXL- (105 x 80 cm)? Bid from 300!

Hilo Chen - "Beach 37" Auflage 250 - handsigniert-nummeriert-XXL- (105 x 80 cm)

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Buy Milan Sara - "Akt" - Auflage 10 - handsigniert? Bid from 150!

Milan Sara - "Nude" - Edition 10 - hand signed

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Buy Pierre Alechinsky - Rossaert 2003? Bid from 250!
Prints (signed)

Pierre Alechinsky - Rossaert 2003

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Buy Bram Bogart - Speciale lithografie? Bid from 700!
Prints (signed)

Bram Bogart - Special lithography

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Prints & Editions


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Buy Jan Schoonhoven - T85-184. Inkt op papier? Bid from 2750!
Drawing / Aquarelle

Jan Schoonhoven - T85-184. Ink on paper

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Buy Reinier Lucassen - Berghut in Alpen landschap? Bid from 2850!

Reinier Lucassen - Mountain hut in alpine landscape

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Buy Jan Schoonhoven - Z.T. 1972 Set van 2? Bid from 3000!
Prints (signed)

Jan Schoonhoven - Z.T. 1972 Set van 2

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Buy Roger Raveel - Onweder - kleurenlitho - 1978 - oplage 100.? Bid from 1350!
Prints (signed)

Roger Raveel - Thunderstorm - color lithograph - 1978 - edition of 100.

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Buy Shinkichi Tajiri - zeldzame knoop - gesigneerde zeefdruk ‘The Big Bang’ - oplage 85 ex.? Bid from 175!
Prints (signed)

Shinkichi Tajiri - rare button - signed silkscreen 'The Big Bang' - edition of 85 copies.

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Buy Corneille - Geen titel? Bid from 169!
Prints (signed)

Corneille - No title

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1 bid
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Buy Corneille - Geen titel? Bid from 169!
Prints (signed)

Corneille - Geen titel

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1 bid
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Buy Johnny Friedländer - ohne Titel? Bid from 55!
Prints (signed)

Johnny Friedländer - untitled

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Buy Maurice Esteve - Vermuse - kleurenlitho 1961 (Mourlot)? Bid from 80!
Prints & Editions

Maurice Esteve - Vermuse - color lithograph 1961 (Mourlot)

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Buy Rien Goené - Abstract-Expressionistisch groot olieverf schilderij? Bid from 1250!

Rien Goené - Abstract Expressionist large oil painting

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Buy Leonor Fini - Kleurlitho met 3 gezichten? Bid from 35!
Prints (signed)

Leonor Fini - Color lithograph with 3 faces

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2 bids
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Buy Veerle Rooms - Graseters? Bid from 20!
Prints (signed)

Veerle Rooms -

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Buy Jan Desmarets - Steigerend paard? Bid from 4500!
Sculpture / Object

Jan Desmarets - Rearing horse

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1 bid
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Buy Roger Raveel - Een moeilijk gesprek? Bid from 790!
Prints (signed)

Roger Raveel - A difficult conversation

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Buy Alfonso Moreno - Stilleven met vogeltje? Bid from 179!

Alfonso Moreno - Still life with bird

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Buy Leonor Fini - 'Meisje'. Gesigneerde en genummerde ets.? Bid from 109!
Prints (signed)

Leonor Fini - 'Girl'. Signed and numbered etching.

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Buy Irene Bataille - HOTELKAMER (PRIJSVERLAGING)? Bid from 509!


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Buy Richard Lee Barton - TREE FORMATION WITH SUNRISE? Bid from 408!


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Buy Salvador Dali - Salvador Dali Keramiken Tiles Ceramics? Bid from 325!
Glass / Ceramics

Salvador Dali - Salvador Dali Keramiken Tiles Ceramics

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Buy Raimundo Figueroa - Stilleven met portretten, gemengde druktechniek met collage (groot!)? Bid from 60!
Prints (signed)

Raimundo Figueroa - Still life with portraits, mixed printing technique with collage (large!)

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Buy Tetsuro Sawada - Landscape, zeefdruk (netjes ingelijst)? Bid from 175!
Prints (signed)

Tetsuro Sawada - Landscape, screen print (neatly framed)

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Buy 124 - 14 karaats geelgouden vintage koningscollier? Bid from 1540!

124 - 14 carat yellow gold vintage king necklace

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Buy 123 - Antiek 2e gehalte zilveren broche met ca 2.15 crt roos geslepen diamant? Bid from 2000!

123 - Antique 2nd grade silver brooch with approx. 2.15 crt rose cut diamond

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