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Sculptures & Objects

Would you like to buy a beautiful sculpture or special object ? Check out the very wide auction offer here! From bronze sculptures, special objects, to wooden or glass sculptures for example, from various periods and countries. At the top of this page you will find a selection of artworks that will be adjudicated soon. Of course there are many more sculptures and objects currently in auction. Please click on "View all Sculptures & Objects" at the bottom of the page to check those out. If you want to view all the other items in auction, please click on "All the items".

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Buy John Coen - Standing figure? Bid from 299!
John Coen (1941) Irish Standing figure
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 29 x 7 x 5 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 1810 g
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Fernand Vanderplancke - TWEE STILISTISCHE BEELDEN zonder titel? Bid from 228!
Fernand Vanderplancke (1938) Belgian TWO STYLISTIC IMAGES untitled
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 19 x 10 x 5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Ad Arma - Zeer groot bronzen beeld, Drielandenpunt? Bid from 1400!
Ad Arma (1954) Dutch Very large bronze statue, Three-country point
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 250 x 90 x 70 cm (h x w x d)
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Buy Fred Carasso - Terracotta beeld: vrouw met koren - 1940? Bid from 995!
Fred Carasso (1899-1969) Dutch Italian Terracotta statue: woman with corn - 1940
Technique Ceramic
Dimensions 20 x 10 x 8 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Clemens Briels - El Pensamiento rompido? Bid from 5000!
Clemens Briels (1946) Dutch The Broken Thought
Technique Plastic
Dimensions 140 x 110 x 70 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 20000 g
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Otto Hamer - Groot beeld van messing, BLD-21? Bid from 1000!
Otto Hamer (1938-2020) Dutch Large brass statue, BLD-21
Technique Other
Dimensions 196 x 47 x 21 cm (h x w x d)
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Buy Charles Henri - Anna? Bid from 2000!
Charles Henri (1948-2014) Dutch Anna
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 29 x 28 x 115 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
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Buy Carole CARPIER - LUCIFER? Bid from 219!
Carole CARPIER (1978) French LUCIFER
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 23 x 14 x 10 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 700 g
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Corneille - Tapijt De vogelboom - HC 3/4? Bid from 2600!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Carpet
Technique Textile
Dimensions 280 x 200 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
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Buy Austin Productions - “ De denkende mens “ naar Rodin.? Bid from 79!
Austin Productions (1953) American “The Thinking Man” after Rodin.
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 24 x 10 x 14 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Carole CARPIER - ELEVATION? Bid from 219!
Carole CARPIER (1978) French ELEVATION
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 42.5 x 9.5 x 9.5 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 1350 g
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Corneille - Signed Keramische Menorah? Bid from 2150!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Signed Ceramic Menorah
Technique Ceramic
Dimensions 31 x 28 x 7 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Theo Niermeijer - Krijger? Bid from 1000!
Theo Niermeijer (1940-2005) Dutch Warrior
Technique Iron
Dimensions 190 x 80 x 40 cm (h x w x d)
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Buy Paul Indrek Kostabi - Massief houten sokkel met 6 aluminium composiet figuren: SPRKL Family-2015? Bid from 275!
Paul Indrek Kostabi (1962) American Solid wooden base with 6 aluminum composite figures: SPRKL Family-2015
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 51 x 60 x 4.5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Banksy - Welcome Mat? Bid from 1900!
Banksy (1974) English Welcome Mat
Technique Other
Dimensions 43 x 60 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Pierre Chenet - Bronzen beeldje van staande dachshund? Bid from 85!
Pierre Chenet French Bronze statue of standing dachshund
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 6 x 11 x 2.5 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 185 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Roger Raveel - Sacraal gebaar? Bid from 3990!
Roger Raveel (1921-2013) Belgian Sacred gesture
Technique Wood
Dimensions 63 x 63 x 10 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Jos van Riemsdijk - Cyrilleke? Bid from 2100!
Jos van Riemsdijk (1915-2005) Dutch Cyrilleke
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 72 x 16 x 14.5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Maurits Cornelis Escher - Icosaëder? Bid from 1395!
Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) Dutch Icosaeder
Technique Iron
Dimensions 14.5 x 14.5 x 14.5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
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Buy Andy Warhol - Neon LED "Banana" in show case + CoA ©/®/™ The Andy Warhol Foundation? Bid from 399!
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) American Neon LED "Banana" in show case + CoA ©/®/™ The Andy Warhol Foundation
Technique Other
Dimensions 35 x 70 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
Starting bid
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Buy Wilfrie Linssen - "Oordeel van de Rechtbank"? Bid from 3000!
Wilfrie Linssen (1954) Dutch "Judgment of the Court"
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 10 x 25 x 25 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 5800 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy José Vermeersch - hond keramiek? Bid from 10000!
José Vermeersch (1922-1997) Belgian dog ceramic
Technique Ceramic
Dimensions 50 x 24 x 60 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Richard Orlinski - DE POMPOM BEER x ORLINSKI (MAT GOUD)? Bid from 390!
Richard Orlinski (1966) French THE POMPOM BEAR x ORLINSKI (MATT GOLD)
Technique Other
Dimensions 23 x 12 x 4.5 cm (h x w x d)
Starting bid
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Buy Charlotte van Pallandt - Rennend naakt met hinde? Bid from 2250!
Charlotte van Pallandt (1898-1997) Dutch Running naked with doe
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 18.5 x 16 x 9 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 3000 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Jan Maarten Voskuil - Non-fit broken chrome? Bid from 3200!
Jan Maarten Voskuil (1964) Dutch Non-fit broken chrome
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 64 x 64 x 10 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 3700 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Pierre Chenet - Bronzen beeld van vogels in nest? Bid from 285!
Pierre Chenet French Bronze statue of birds in nest
Technique Bronze
Dimensions 14 x 18 x 10 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 2000 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
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