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Two linocuts, printed in black and ochre, by Corneille. Booklet title: Over het werk van Corneille, followed by a poem by Hugo Claus. Published by Michels and Matinet. Year: 1951. Edition: 42/200. Booklet dimensions: H12 x w16cm. The book is not signed.
The linocuts and the booklet are listed in Corneille's book 1948-1975 (not included), on pages 52/53/54.
When purchased, the work can be collected in 's-Gravenzande (near The Hague)
(Scheveningen), Rotterdam and Delft and 5 minutes from the beach). The term for the
pick up, with advance payment, is very spacious, i.e. the buyer can do the work for weeks or even
months later and, if possible, combine it with a visit to one of the
above mentioned cities or the beach. We can also ship the work with Postnl. Our shipping days are Tuesday and Thursday.