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Jopie Huisman was born on October 18, 1922 in Workum. His real name is Jotje, but his nickname is Jopie. That is also the name that everyone in the Netherlands - and far beyond - knows. Jopie was a special and authentic resident of Workum. He himself thought Workum was paradise on earth. Jopie said: "Heaven can never be more beautiful than this for me." Jopie obtained his diploma for house painter at the age of 14. He eventually started working as a painter at a pottery factory in Workum. He taught himself the trade of artist. In 1963 he had his first exhibition in Harlingen. In the seventies his painting took on a different character. He painted about more penetrating subjects and his technique became increasingly realistic. It is mainly these works that made him famous.
A woman from Workum offered me an old cupboard for sale. When she opened the door of the cupboard, she said: 'Damn, there are mother's first and her last shoes'. I thought: 'I always buy them for a few cents'. But when I told her that I wanted to buy the cupboard, but with the shoes, she didn't agree. They weren't for sale. I said: 'Woman, we'll do it differently. You keep the shoes, but I'll make a nice drawing of them. To me, they prove that your mother was there, her whole life is in between.' 'What a strange man you are', she said, 'just take them with you and I don't want them back either.' Later, at home, I found a proverb from Ecclesiastes on a wad from one of the noses: 'For that which is not, cannot be counted.'
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