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Jayne Mansfield drinks champagne from a clog upon arrival at Schiphop. Photo taken by Kees Scherer (1920-1993) in 1957. Printed once in 1989 by Pim Westerweel, the manager of Scherer's archive.
Paper and image size 23.7 x 30 cm.
Signature of Pim Westerweel, edition number 1/1 and some notes with marker on the back.
In very good condition.
Mansfield's visit to the Netherlands in 1957 was selected by the television programme NOVA in December 1999 in a retrospective of the twentieth century as 'the moment when the Netherlands lost its innocence'.
Ad van Liempt in his book 'DOS. Het wonder van Utrecht' (2008): "Suddenly (...) a sex bomb invaded the Netherlands, who did not hide her very impressive bosom, but constantly proclaimed it, who shamelessly radiated her lust and flirted with every man who crossed her path. For the modest Netherlands of 1957, in which fashion covered the feminine as much as possible and where frivolity was equivalent to mortal sin and damnation, that was indeed something special."