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Figuur van een liggende beer uit de vintage Lumière d'argent collectie van Christofle. Zie ook de veiling van mijn andere beer uit dezelfde collectie. Beide beren hebben enige slijtage, maar zijn nog steeds zéér decoratief.
The Lumière d'Argent collection is composed of nearly 36 pieces created by Christofle between 1987 and 1994 in its Saint-Denis factory.The various animals are provided with onyx eyes. These models were made in Christofle's workshops using a very specific technique: one part was made in casting technique, while the elements were first worked and detailed on a plate like a pattern, and then shaped to combine with each other to create the chosen animal. This technique explains the variety of the models, the attitudes, the increased precision of the details. The different renderings of the lightly incised surfaces are reminiscent of Christofle's first jewelry pieces, which used a metallic fabric technique, similar to filigree, for which he registered a patent in 1837.