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Ton Klop
Place of birth: Rotterdam (1939)
Educated at the Free Academy in The Hague. Teachers included; Kees Andrea, Nol Kroes and Ber Mengels Royal subsidy: 1963, 1965, 1966
In the work of Ton Klop, a process of abstraction unfolds without losing sight of recognizable reality. He wants to continue to connect life and art. In the work of Ton Klop, a process of abstraction unfolds without losing sight of recognizable reality. He wants to continue to connect life and art. His work is not easy to interpret. The origin of his style, 'the new figuration', emerged in the 1960s. At the time, he exhibited with Anton Martineau, Reinier Lucassen and Roger Raveel at various locations in the country. In recent years, his theme has mainly focused on the pet cat versus 'the things of the house'. He creates his visual tension through a clear composition, with the felix domesticus as a sign of life. Ton Klop's work can be found in various private and museum collections.