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In his paintings, Van Erp often uses recognizable objects from the world around us: shopping carts, meatballs, jars of peanut butter, Edah bags and washing machines. He places these in bare desert-like landscapes or large empty interior spaces. His colorful depictions sometimes refer to well-known paintings from the past or evoke associations with social themes such as terrorism, problems in health care or child abuse. "You can often laugh at horrible things." With this remark Aaron van Erp characterizes his paintings, which, with their often brutal subjects, still evoke a laugh thanks to the bizarre titles. The painting "The Toddler Tamer" (2006), in which a shadowy figure maintains order with a whip, immediately brings to mind child abuse. But the paintings, despite the sadistic undertone, are also humorous due to the way they are painted. The green boots of the tamer, the title, the use of color and the absurdist environment put the intensity of the image into perspective. Work has never been framed.